
L&I Claims- How To Go About It?

job injury

L&I claims are critical for any worker who has received an injury while working at their job. If the injury is severe, the claim value could be all the workers would be living with for the rest of their life. However, for injuries less severe, the worker stands a chance to get back to work or join another job that would be more fitting after their injury. No matter the extent of the injury, L&I settlements are critical to keeping the living of the workers afloat. Here is a brief about how to go about the L&I claim in Washington state.

Information Required

The following is some of the information you must keep handy while submitting your claim:

  • The location where the injury happened
  • Contact information of any witnesses who were present at the time of the injury
  • Wage information
  • Employer’s information
  • Your dependents’ names and dates of birth

If you have already consulted with a doctor after your injury, you need to provide the claim submission with the name of your doctor in full and the name of the hospital or clinic you attended for the treatment. Reporting the injury to your employer is essential, and you can submit your claim via the online portal, over the phone, or through your doctor as well.

Claim Process

Once you have requested the claim, you might receive mail regarding the same explaining the documents, offers, and other aspects related to the variety of compensation you are claiming for the particular type of injury or work-related disease you have cited. Read the mail carefully to know all information in detail. Also, you may receive a call from your claim manager, medical providers, vocational experts, or your employer. If you change your doctor or address during the claim proceedings, pass on the latest information to the relevant authorities without hesitation.

Know The Options

If your injury is severe enough, get to know about other jobs that will be available for you once you recover. If you are eligible for jobs that pay lower than the one you used to have, you will get compensation for the loss of earning as well. Hence, get to know about your entitlements to ensure that you don’t lose any by chance.

Attend IME

Never miss out on IME. The L&I claim will be validated on the basis of the reports issued by the doctor concerned. Also, it is the level of impairment mentioned in the IME reports that will determine your ultimate value of the settlement. Stay updated with the claim proceeding by keeping in touch with the website and make sure that you don’t miss out on any of the major updates or communications.

L&I claim can redefine your future if you have received an injury at work in Washington state. Make sure to know all you need to know about your rights and entitlements to reap the benefit of the scheme in full.

Petrus Tanase
My name is Petrus Tanase. I am the founder and writer of this website. I really like to write about the latest news and share it with others through my site.

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